Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog 3

Acknowledging the lizard is one of the seven layers available in search for renovation.  This level means that all humans share a quality with lizards, in that we don’t like to be laughed at. The reaction to this is called the resistance, which is when you feel you must keep things simple because of a fear of being ridiculed. Artists realized that we have to fight through the resistance to be rewarded. Another level is being connected, which means that social media connections, such as how many followers, likes, or comments you get, are not very important. Instead digital media connections, such as videos, images, and sounds that you create, are the things that can really be used to make connections. The final level is learning, which means challenging yourself to think differently. Not what they do in school, which used to work when you would learn a trade.
These blog exercises are a complete waste of time, is not exactly what I would say. I do believe that there are many reasons why we should not be doing these blogs weekly though. I think that the majority of these blogs don’t have much to do with what we need to be learning from this class. In fact, most of them are very similar to what we are already doing every week for our lab projects. I believe that having to do these blogs on top of all of the projects that we have to for class is a bit too much. I may be biased because all of my classes this quarter have a lot of work to do in them, and I often feel overwhelmed. I think that focusing more time and effort on working on the projects for our labs each week, rather than wasting time doing the blogs, would be a better solution and would allow us to have a better final product for each project. Another improvement that could result from not having to do weekly blogs would be to make the weekly lab projects more in depth. The removal of the blog assignments would also allow for more free time for students to read the optional readings that are provided by the class.

I don’t necessarily hate the blog assignments, but I think that there is just not enough time for them with already having projects every week, the optional readings, other classes’ work, and other extra curricular activities. I think that some of the blog assignments are good and beneficial, and that they should merely have their important points of merged together with the lab projects. I do like how the first half of the blogs are due all together halfway through the quarter and that the other half is due at the end of the quarter. This worked out well for me personally, because I was very busy the first few weeks with work that was due each week, so I was able to work on those assignments first and put the blogs on the backburner. Luckily I had a break in the chaos during the beginning of the fourth week and was able to finish all four blogs in four days, starting on Monday the 23rd and finishing on Thursday the 26th. I hope that this feedback will help you change or alter the way the class is setup so that it can hopefully accommodate everybody’s needs.

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