Monday, January 23, 2012

Blog 1

Protagonist- Emily Rightwing

Blue and Purple

The color blue represents good, justice, and is a rather basic color, which are all important representations of Emily because she is an average police detective working on a really important case to take down the most corrupt and hidden criminal ever. Blue is also the color of the police, which she is a part of, and it is a rather basic color that can just blend into the background, just as Emily does. The color purple is mysterious which relates to Emily because she is a detective who solves mysteries. The color purple also represents a strong female, which Emily is.

A Basic Bright light

The lighting in this image is rather bright, but the light source is a rather basic light bulb. These characteristics relate to Emily because the brightness insinuates that she is good and important, but the fact that the bulb is so basic and average, means that she is not all that special other than the fact that she is taking on this very important case. The lighting also suggests that there is only enough light for someone to notice her, but not enough light for her to stand out as someone of great purpose or importance.

A Round Magnifying Glass

The magnifying glass is quite obviously important to the character of Emily because she is a detective for the police, but it also has a greater meaning for her because it is circular. The fact that the magnifying glass is circular is important for her character because it means that she has everything that she does is focused, has a specific purpose, and is also well organized and put together. The circle also means that she is committed and determined to fight for good and justice. The circle is also a very simple shape, again showing that she doesn’t stand out very much.

Antagonist- Peter (Saton) Angel

Red and Gold

The rich gold color represents power, fame and money, which all relate to Peter because he owns a very important and well-known business. The gold also represents royalty which he has somewhat been acclaimed because he is so well connected to different prominent political figures and all of his work with trying to help the community and impoverished. The red looks somewhat fancy and distinguished as well, but it is truly covering up the fact that he has blood on his hands from his crimes and other illegal activities from his criminal past and present.

Brightness Surrounding with Interior Shadows

The fact that Peter is surrounded and shrouded in a bright light, on the outside shows that he is famous, popular, and surrounded by greatness. The lighting also shows that he stands out and is always in the spotlight due to all the good things he has claimed to have done. This outward lighting would lead you to believe that he might be happy and that he has everything that he could want. But he himself is a shadow on the inside because he has many bad secrets from his criminal past and that he is in fact very evil on the inside.

A Diamond

The shape is a diamond because he appears to be very classy and sophisticated at first glance, because of all of the wealth and prestige that he has earned, as well as all of the charity events that he holds and attends. But as you look closer you will notice that it has cracks and damage, as does Peter. These imperfections are there because of all of the criminal things that he did in his past that he is trying to cover up and the bad things that he is still doing secretly today.

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