Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog 7

Both of these pictures are from the amazing animated movie series, Toy Story. The first picture is from a scene in the first movie, where the toys are given the bad news that there is going to be new toys coming that might replace them. The second picture is from the scene in the third movie, where they are first introduced to their new wonderful home.

            In both of the different pictures of animation, the colors that are used for the different characters, objects, and backgrounds, are all very oversaturated so that they will look more vibrant and interesting, especially to children who are the primary viewers of the series. Each character has a specific color, or set of colors, to help stand out and differentiate them from the other characters. Each character also has all different shades of their colors to help show their textures. Woody has a big head that is made up of bright skin tones, so that he stands out as an important character. His other main colors are in his dark brown hat, his yellow shirt, blue jeans, and other brown accessories, which are all slightly less bright than his face. They are less bright than his face because his face is his most important feature that needs the most attention, but all those colors are still brighter than other characters because he is the most important character. Buzz shares the Woody pattern of having brighter colors than everybody else, with his bright white and green suite, because he is also the other most important character. Though in the second picture, your eyes are drawn to Lots-O because he is the focus of the shot by him having saturated and bright pinks and whites.

            Both of these shots have very dynamic lighting because of their extreme use of shadows. In the first shot there are a lot of very dark and prevalent shadows that cover different parts of characters bodies as well as the background. This gives the scene a darker, gloomier, and slightly more depressing mood because of the shard contrasts of light and dark. It is also symbolic for how the characters feel because they are feeling sad and depressed on account of possibly being replaced or played with less. It is also symbolic of how the characters feel like they are being overshadowed by the new toys. The second picture has a lot of extra light coming into frame, which creates less dark shadows. This makes the mood more happy and welcoming. This is symbolic of how the characters are getting a new bright beacon of happiness.

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